Friday, June 20, 2008


KATHMANDU, May 29 - Nepal has become a Federal Democratic Republic from today after the Constituent Assembly overwhelmingly voted for abolition of the country’s 240-year-old monarchy.
“I declare that the proposal tabled by the government for implementation of a republic has been passed as 560 members out of 564 present today voted in favor of the proposal and 4 against,” announced meeting chairman Kul Bahadur Gurung after a division vote late Wednesday night.
Only royalist Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal members voted against the proposal.
Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula tabled the proposal for a republic at Wednesday’s CA meeting. The proposal said, “Nepal has turned into an independent, indivisible, secular, inclusive, federal democratic republic with sovereignty and state authority vested in the people.”
The proposal further said that the former king and royal family members shall no longer enjoy any rights and privileges other than those of common Nepali citizens.
The CA also instructed the government to make sure that Gyanendra Shah and his family leave Narayanhity Royal Palace within the next 15 days. The meeting instructed the government to make necessary arrangements for the safety of all property inside the palace.
The government shall make all necessary arrangements for utilizing all the heritage inside the palace in the national interest including for setting up a historical museum.
The proposal states that all constitutional provisions, laws, administrative rules and arrangements at variance with the proposal have been scrapped.
A second sitting of the CA passed a separate bill to amend the Interim Constitution and make new arrangements for a president as head of state. Through addition of part 4 (A) in the Interim Constitution, it says that the second meeting of the CA will provide for a president as head of state. The president will be supreme commander in chief of the army and will perform other duties as determined by the constitution. The president will mobilize the army upon the cabinet’s recommendation.
The president will remain in office until the CA promulgation of a new constitution. S/he will remain as patron of the constitution and will also abide by the constitution. The president can impose emergency rule upon recommendation of the cabinet. Two thirds of CA members can remove him/her from office through impeachment.
The amendment also provides for a vice-president.
The parties, after more than 10 hours of negotiations ultimately agreed to amend the constitution and provide for a constitutional president but the presidents’ powers and duties are yet to be finalized.
The meeting was convened about ten hours later than the scheduled time.
The parties, however, could not finalize the names of 26 members to be nominated by the cabinet. “Another bill will be presented in the near future to bring in other provisions on election procedures and the powers and duties of the president,” Sitaula said.
The meeting also declared that Nepal will mark Jesth 15 (in the Nepali calendar) as Republic Day every year and extended tributes to the martyrs whose sacrifices have brought the country to the present stage.
Dream came true
Addressing the meeting before tabling the formal proposal for implementation of a republic, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala said this was an epoch-making day in Nepal’s history. He said his past remark—that a day comes once in an era — came true the moment Nepal entered a republican phase. “The dream of the Nepali people has come true today,” the 84-year-old Koirala said at the meeting.
Koirala said one of his biggest responsibilities was now over but another huge responsibility had come upon the shoulders of CA members, a responsibility towards the martyrs, orphans and widows who made their sacrifice for a stable, peaceful, democratic and prosperous Nepal.
“We have arrived at this stage only after removing several hurdles, so what we have achieved today is Nepal’s greatest asset,” said Koirala. “So we should preserve and work together not only until a new constitution is framed but also until there is a complete transformation of the country into a fully democratic country.

‘Respectable’ role for Koirala: Maoists


May 5 - CPN-Maoist is ready to provide Prime Minister and President of Nepali Congress Girija Prasad Koirala the role of 'guardian'.
Maoist Chairman Prachanda, accompanied by another senior leader Dr Baburam Bhattarai, during a meeting with PM Koirala on Sunday, expressed commitment to provide the latter a 'respectable' role in future.
"We honor Koirala for his role in the past and we feel that his role will not be complete until the drafting of a new constitution," Dr Bhattarai told the Post.
NC leaders, during the meeting proposed that Koirala be given a respectful position in future.
"The NC leaders didn't formally propose any position for Koirala," Dr Bhattarai said.
Asked if the Maoists are ready to recognize Koirala as the next president, he said, "We are much concerned that two power centers will exist with the appointment of Koirala as president. It will further create confusion as we will be going through a critical period while drafting a new constitution."
He however said Koirala can exercise political and moral authority.
"We are still consulting with other political parties on the type of respectful position through which he (Koirala) can exercise political and moral authority," he said, adding, "But the executive authority must stay with the Maoists according to people's verdict."
He said all political parties can form a high-level mechanism to guide the government and Koirala can work as its head. "It is just an alternative but we are open to more discussion and are not rigid. But there should not two power centers in future," he said.
During the meeting, Prachanda urged Koirala to call a meeting of seven political parties soon. The PM responded saying he would soon call the meeting after consultations with other political parties.
Prachanda also said the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly should implement the federal republic in the country besides the formation of a new government.
"A meeting of all political parties following the seven-party meeting will discuss the formation of a new government and a position for Koirala," said Dr Bhattarai. Maoists will soon hold separate meetings with UML and other political parties on issues pertaining to the formation of a new government and implementation of the republic agenda.

बुढी आमाको व्यथा:

उहिले मेरो घरमा एउटा जोगी आयो
विश्‍वास गर मलाई, सर्वस्व दिन्छु भन्यो
विश्‍वास गरेँ मैले उसका प्रत्येक आश्‍वासन
जोगीको विरोध गर्ने म, उल्टै भक्त बनेँ
तर, त्यो जोगी बिदा भयो
उसको वचन मिथ्या भयो
मलाई मात्र होइन परिवारलाई नै दुःख दिइ
कोट्ट्याउँदा आलो रगत आउने घाउ दिएर गयो ॥१॥
दिन पर दिन त्यस्ता जोगी आउँदै गए
पूरा परिवारले विश्‍वास गर्दै गयौं
तिम्रो परिवारको भविष्य बनाउँछु भन्नेहरू
आफ्नै भाषा फेर्न थाले
जोगी पिच्छेका कुरा पत्याउँदै गइयो
एक दिन पहिलेको जोगीलाई नपत्याउ भनेर
आठ-आठ जोगी आए, अनि आठै थरीका कुरा गरे
पछि सबैले एकै भएको नाटक पनि गरे
कुन्नि कसका आँखा लाग्यो हाम्रो परिवारमा,
विभिन्न जोगीका कुरा पत्याउने क्रममा
घरमा झगडा हुन थाल्यो
सबैलाई भाग चाहिन थाल्यो
आठ जोगी सात भएछन् बरू
तर, हाम्रो परिवार चिरा-चिरा भयो
दशौं चिराहरू भए, सङ्ख्या गन्नै गाह्रो भयो ॥२॥
एउटा भन्छ तँ काले, अर्को भन्छ तँ गोरे
एउटा भन्छ तँ चुच्चे, अर्को भन्छ तँ नेप्टे
एउटा भन्छ पूर्व, अर्को भन्छ पश्‍चिम
अर्को भन्छ उत्तर, अर्को भन्छ दक्षिण
कोही भन्छन् माथि जाउँ, कोही भन्छन् उछिट्याउँ
वैमनस्यताले शिखर छोयो, सबैलाई अंशबण्डा चाहिन थाल्यो
म बुढी आमा कसको पक्ष लिउँ?
मिलाउँछु भन्दा बादबिवाद झन बढ्न थाल्यो
म झन थल्लिँदै जान थालेँ
तिमीलाई क्यान्सर भयो भनेर
नजिककाले मात्र होइन टाढाकाले पनि भन्न थाले
डाक्टरकहाँ म गए, उसले मनोरोग लेखिदियो
सबै परिवार मिलेमा रोग निको हुन्छ भनिदियो
यो सुनेर मिलौंला त भन्न थाले,
तर मिल्ने काम चाहिँ गर्दै गरेनन्
आज म बुढीको जिउभर घाउ भएको छ,
मलाई देश दुख्‍न थालेको छ ॥३॥
अब म भन्छु, जोगीका कुरा नपत्याउ
मिल्न नसके झगडा पनि नगराउ
मेरो देश नदुखाउ
थला पर्दा पानी खुवाउने कोही छैन,
व्यथा बुझ्ने कसले मेरो?
हे ईश्‍वर तिमि नै आएर
मेरा सन्ततिलाई बुद्धि दिइ
उनीहरूको झगडा मिलाइदेऊ

Nepal political Scenario...

Nepal,a unique country having unique flag and unique peace process and known all over the world nowadays by this things. Its land of Gautam Buddha and is admired for its beauty and natural heritage it possess.Poltitical Scenario:Although its a kingdom until now, but is oriented towards presidential rule. The current political scenario also supports the same thing. With Maoists leading towards victory, there is almost 99.99% probability of presidential rule in Nepal with different states prevailing.Its also unique fact about Nepal- a Party which just came out from jungle towards the peace process bagged the majority sears from peaceful election which is a milestone in world's history and there is more to learn from this fact. This victory teaches jungle is only the way but not the destination. "Bullet is a means but ballet is the end."